Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Evaluation 2
Question 2
How does your media product represent particular social
I think my magazine represents similar social groups as vibe
magazine and XXL magazine because they have similar content. For example the
picture on my front cover and the picture on vibe magazine front cover are
fairly similar.
The shots in my magazine are also quite similar to vibe
magazine which also helps my product to represent the same social group as vibe
On my front cover my model is cracking a slight smile and so
is drake on vibe magazine. Although this is a difference between the two I still
think that they are similar.
I also think that my product represents a particular social
group through my costume because I ensured to make my model wear dark colours
so it reflects the same social groups as other R&B magazines.
I also wanted my models hair tied back so that my image on
the front cover had the same effect as the images on other front covers that I researched.
The expression on both of the models face are quite similar,
however I think that my image is a bit more smiley whereas vibe magazines image
is more serious although there is a slight smile. I think that the expression
shows a particular social group because the magazine clearly shows that it doesn’t
represent the same social group as a pop magazine is because in a pop magazine
there would be people smiling and maybe a group of people however I have used
one person with quite a serious yet fun looking face.
The main way that my media product represents a particular
social group is through it looking similar to vibe magazine.
Friday, 8 March 2013
First Draft
These are my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I had to change my model last minute as there was something wrong with my previous images and Shaikiara couldn't make it back in to do it all over again. I am going to hand this in and wait for feedback from my teachers and then make the appropriate changes. I also need to make a logo to go on my contents and front cover.
Friday, 1 March 2013
This is my interview that i had with Shaikiara, this will be put on my double page spread along with her picture but in a different layout. From doing this interview and the preperation for it, ive learnt that it is important to make sure you are asking question that your audience will want answers to.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Screenshot Interview
This is a screenshot of me contacting Shaikaira on twitter asking her a few questions that I can put on my double page spread.
Contents Page Progress
This is the progress I have made on my contents page. There is a few more things I need to do until I have finished but I hope to be finished by Friday.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Contents Page Editing.
I have now started to edit my pictures for my contents page. I am going to make all my pictures have a white background so that it is all colour coded and not too much. I am using four pictures on my contents page which will be linked in with my contents of the magazine.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Updated interview questions
These are my updated interview questions, I am aware that the questions may not flow as they appear as I may come up with a better question to bounce off of one of her answers. Once I have carried out the interview I will then upload it and analyse the changes that were made during the interview.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Content Page Pictures
The following pictures are the pictures I have decided to use for my contents page. They have not yet been edited and cropped.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Flat plans with changes due to feedback
Front Cover
Contents Page
Double Page Spread
These are the flat plans I have created from the feedback I got from another student and a teacher. I have added in colour and changed the layout a bit on the pages. From doing this I learnt that my magazine needs to have a lot in it.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Draft Interview Questions
These are the questions that I want to ask my artist Shaikiara but some of them will change if I can think of any better ones. I only want to ask her 10 questions so that I can get the answers my audience will want to read about, so I don't want to ask too many questions so it drags out and becomes boring.
My updated shot list
This is my shot list updated, I had to reschedule my photo shoot with Shaikaira fore my front cover and DPS as she couldn't make it on the 28th of January but on the 4th of February I will definitely be doing the photo shoot. I have also taken 1 of my pictures or my contents page and I will be taking more on Monday and over the weekend.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Shot List

This is my shot list so far, I am still working on it but I have decided top upload my progress so far. These are all the images that I will need to fill the space I have left in my magazine. When taking my shots I am going to take around 10 shots for each picture and then I can sit down and look at them again properly and decide which picture I want to use, so this shout list may change according to the other pictures I take on the day.
Miss Silva's Interview lesson
In Miss Silva's lesson we had to analyse magazine interviews from various genres of magazines. From doing this I learnt about different layouts and different ways to present the interviews e.g. question and answer, or a formal interview.
This was the interview that me and my group analysed. It was with JLS and was taken from top of the pops magazine. By analysing this article I learnt that each magazine change their format to fit what genre their magazine is. For example this magazine had pink and yellow boxes and writing whereas an R&B magazine would have blue and black theme on their page. I also learnt that magazines ask personal questions as well as questions about the artists' career and they do this because they ask what the audience want to know to draw readers in.
This lesson was really useful as now I know that when I conduct my interview with Shaikiara I know what questions I can and cant ask her as an artist. I also have a wide range of ideas on how to display my interview. I think that this lesson has made it easier for me to think about what I am going to include on the interview page and it has also helped me to think about some of the questions that I am going to ask.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Flat plan feedback
From further advice I have been given, I had decided which colours I am using and where I am using them and I have decided to change my flat plan to make it look more like a magazine. I am going to update my flat plan once I have made the changes.
Flat plan evaluation
This is feedback from my flat plan from another student on the same course as me. From this feedback I have learnt that my flat plan is basic and to make it better I need to add colour and have columns on my double page spread. I have chosen to use the colours red, black, white and grey and I am going to re do my flat plan with the corrections on it.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
flat plan
This is my double page spread flat plan with font and more detail than my basic plan. I have not yet chosen the colours of my magazine but that is the next step I am going to do. By doing this flat plan I learnt that it is hard to make a magazine look full up without going too over the top at the same time. Before I can officially decide how much writing I am going to do and where I am going to position it I need to think of the shots I am going to use for my double page spread to work out how much space I'll have.
This is my front cover flat plan with details such as fonts and the correct positioning. Again I have not decided what colour I am going to use but I am researching what colour R&B magazines normally use. By doing this I have learnt that most r&b magazines use colours like purple, blue, black and white. I am considering using blue for my colour scheme along with white and black but I haven't thought about which parts on the magazine I am going to use these colours on.
This is my contents page flat plan, I have decided to keep it simple as when I interviewed a student and they analysed a magazine they said that they didn't like the contents page because there was too much stuff going on and it made it look messy. I have used the same font throughout my magazine so that it is all linked and looks like it is all one magazine which I think makes it look neat. I changed the positioning of the page lots of times to make it right. By doing this I learnt that cramming all of the stuff on one page was harder than I thought so I got rid of some of the content and put the essential stuff on the page.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
This is me interviewing a student and her analysing a magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. During the making on this video I learnt that when I create my magazine I need to use a range of different images as well as including relevant text related to the pictures. It also taught me that if I use a dark background colour, I should use a light colour when writing text so that is it readable.
This is a song from my chosen artist Shaikiara Tulloch-Long. It was the first song she made. This song fits in with my genre r&b and all of her others songs are r&b aswell. The reason I chose this specific song is because it was the first song she ever made, later along the blog I willl upload another one of her songs.
Questionnaire about my magazine
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Wednesday, 9 January 2013
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