Wednesday 27 February 2013

Screenshot Interview

This is a screenshot of me contacting Shaikaira on twitter asking her a few questions that I can put on my double page spread.

Contents Page Progress

This is the progress I have made on my contents page. There is a few more things I need to do until I have finished but I hope to be finished by Friday.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Contents Page Editing.

I have now started to edit my pictures for my contents page. I am going to make all my pictures have a white background so that it is all colour coded and not too much. I am using four pictures on my contents page which will be linked in with my contents of the magazine.

Friday 8 February 2013

Updated interview questions

These are my updated interview questions, I am aware that the questions may not flow as they appear as I may come up with a better question to bounce off of one of her answers. Once I have carried out the interview I will then upload it and analyse the changes that were made during the interview.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Content Page Pictures

The following pictures are the pictures I have decided to use for my contents page. They have not yet been edited and cropped.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Flat plans with changes due to feedback

Front Cover

Contents Page

Double Page Spread

These are the flat plans I have created from the feedback I got from another student and a teacher. I have added in colour and changed the layout a bit on the pages. From doing this I learnt that my magazine needs to have a lot in it.

Friday 1 February 2013

Draft Interview Questions

These are the questions that I want to ask my artist Shaikiara but some of them will change if I can think of any better ones. I only want to ask her 10 questions so that I can get the answers my audience will want to read about, so I don't want to ask too many questions so it drags out and becomes boring.

My updated shot list

This is my shot list updated, I had to reschedule my photo shoot with Shaikaira fore my front cover and DPS as she couldn't make it on the 28th of January but on the 4th of February I will definitely be doing the photo shoot. I have also taken 1 of my pictures or my contents page and I will be taking more on Monday and over the weekend.