Wednesday 30 January 2013

Miss Silva's Interview lesson

In Miss Silva's lesson we had to analyse magazine interviews from various genres of magazines. From doing this I learnt about different layouts and different ways to present the interviews e.g. question and answer, or a formal interview.

This was the interview that me and my group analysed. It was with JLS and was taken from top of the pops magazine. By analysing this article I learnt that each magazine change their format to fit what genre their magazine is. For example this magazine had pink and yellow boxes and writing whereas an R&B magazine would have blue and black theme on their page. I also learnt that magazines ask personal questions as well as questions about the artists' career and they do this because they ask what the audience want to know to draw readers in. 

This lesson was really useful as now I know that when I conduct my interview with Shaikiara I know what questions I can and cant ask her as an artist. I also have a wide range of ideas on how to display my interview. I think that this lesson has made it easier for me to think about what I am going to include on the interview page and it has also helped me to think about some of the questions that I am going to ask.

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